Youth Agency at SMS
The New Milford Youth Agency will be offering after school enrichment and supervision throughout the school year from 2:15pm-6:30pm in addition to selected holidays, school recesses and snow days. All students are eligible including those participating in after school activities and interscholastic sports.
All SMS students are eligible to register for enrichment activities such as culinary classes, hiking trips, and community service opportunities. Rates: Based on enrichment activity. Students who are involved in our full time program will be prorated.
Students registered in our full time after school program will have the opportunity to participate in various activities, games and sports as well as spend time doing their homework.
Weekly Rates:
Single Income 85, Double Income 96. (First child)
Students who would like to participate in clubs and sports will have the opportunity to join the Youth Agency afterwards until proper transportation arrives. Rates: Based on finish time of the activity or sport.
Space is limited
Payment is due the Friday before your child attends each week.
For more information, please contact Vincent at the Youth Agency:
Phone: (860) 210-2030