Wow! There was an amazing turnout to hear Chris Herren speak at New Milford High School on May 19th. This is a tribute to a community that cares AND wants to learn and understand these issues. We estimated 400 people attended, including students, their parents, grandparents, and other community members. In addition, 9th-12th graders heard Chris Herren speak in two separate, school-time assemblies. Many people in New Milford heard his honest and compelling words last Tuesday.
For me, the most powerful part of Chris Herren’s evening community presentation was the Q&A at the end. The New Milford audience used this time well, asking great questions that online pharmacy allowed Chris to really speak from the heart to the community. It is not possible to repeat all of the presentation without a lot more space; but here are just a few things Chris Herren said Tuesday night that resonated with me and, I hope, with the audience:
•It’s not really about the drugs or alcohol. It’s about young people who don’t feel OK with being themselves. “Why isn’t it OK to be just you when you’re hanging out with your friends?” Chris asked the student audience. He continued, “It’s hard being you 24/7, it’s hard dealing with the pressures we all face, it’s hard telling yourself that you are not who you want to be and admitting that you need to grow or that you need help.” Can we figure out how we can help our youth be OK to just be themselves? How can we model this for them?
•90% of adults addicted to drugs or alcohol started using drugs or alcohol before age 18. Delaying the start of any drug or alcohol use significantly reduces the risk of addiction. Chris Herren told the students this in the daytime, and repeated it to the community in buy levitra online the canadian pharmacy evening. A powerful fact!
•Addiction begins with the “red solo cup in your friend’s basement.” It often ends with a destroyed life, or an overdose death. Yes, some people can experiment and come out the other end healthy and whole. But as Chris Herren said, it is a risky game of Russian Roulette, and for those who have addiction in their family history, there is often a genetic predisposition increasing the risk of addiction 40x.
If you are interested in finding out more about Chris Herren and The HerrenProject, take a red cialis viagra 200mg look at their website The New Milford Substance Abuse Prevention council will do our part to continue the conversation and continue the prevention work. We encourage everyone to attend the upcoming community forum; A Community Conversation about Substance Abuse, on June 8th at Pettibone School at 7:00 PM. For more information contact